Execute. Elevate. Endure. Eclipse.

A race is the execution of a strategy that began many years before when planning a mating or making a purchase. Our approach to raising and developing young horses is proven to produce a superior competitor.

With a roster of exciting two-year-olds and others who will hit their best stride at three this year, we cannot wait for what the future holds.


Racing Stable Honor Roll

Racing News

Valentinian, Grandson Of Rachel Alexandra, Scores On Debut
Source: Thoroughbred Daily News

Getaway Car Outlasts Caldera in Sunland Derby Thriller
Source: The BloodHorse
Author: Sean Collins

Eclatant Keys Brad Cox Exacta in Fasig-Tipton Forward Gal
Source: Thoroughbred Daily News
Author: Alan Carasso

Idiomatic Repeats As Champion Dirt Female
Source: Thoroughbred Daily News